Author: nvcwdawp

Marlins Tennessee Waltz 11172018

Bo and Ann Marlin taught Tennessee Waltz for couples on Saturday November 17. Unlike most of our waltz dances, this one does not progress in line of dance. It is more like a 4-wall waltz line dance. As such, the dance also can be done as a single. Bo and Ann have supported NVCWDA for … Read More

Recap of October 27, 2018 NVCWDA Dance Demo at Waltonwood

Our dance team closed out its 2018 season with a performance at Waltonwood in Ashburn on October 27. We always have a good time, especially once we get the butterflies out after the first dance is over. We dedicated this performance to Kat Fanelli and her family.

Dances Taught at NVCWDA in 2008

As we continue our walk down memory lane leading up to our Anniversary Dance on September 15, here are some of the dances we were learning 10 years ago in 2008. What is old is new again? Funky Cha Cha LD Lover Please Come Back Couples Specialty Firecracker LD Six-Pack Summer Couples Specialty Rebel Amor … Read More

Dances Taught at NVCWDA in 1998

As we prepare to celebrate NVCWDA’s 32nd anniversary at our dance on Sept. 15, I was amused to find an old list of some dances we taught in 1998. A few of the dances have withstood the test of time, and we still do them today. Here’s what we were doing 20 years ago: My Maria … Read More

Dancing at Reston Station on August 10

Come join NVCWDA at the free concert outside on the Plaza at Reston Station (11389 Reston Station Blvd.) on Friday, August 10 from 7-9 p.m. We’ll be dancing to the live music. During the band break, Linda Bloyer will teach a couple of dances to the audience. The event is part of the Summerbration Concert … Read More

Team Promotes CW Dancing

The NVCWDA Dance Demo Team performs at various venues throughout the year. The purpose is to promote country-western dancing, but mainly we do it because it’s fun. Check our Events page to find out where we will be performing next.

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